dirty dog
英 [ˈdɜːti dɒɡ]
美 [ˈdɜːrti dɔːɡ]
网络 脏狗; 坏蛋; 卑鄙小人; 下流人
- a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible
- only a rotter would do that
- kill the rat
- throw the bum out
- you cowardly little pukes!
- the British call a contemptible person a `git'
- There are always three main characters& the husband, the wife, and the dirty dog.
总会涉及三个主要角色&丈夫、妻子和第三者。 - You a low down dirty dog. That's what's wrong.
你是个低级肮脏的狗东西。这是问题的所在。 - The rabbit was quite dirty, as if it had put up quite a struggle, so I washed it off with the hose, combed it with the Dog brush and blew it dry with the leaf blower.
兔子非常脏,好像已经经历了一场艰难的挣扎。我用水管冲洗同时用洗狗的刷子刷,最后用吹风机吹干。 - He's a dirty dog.
他是一个肮脏的人。 - Your partner is a dirty dog.
你的合伙人是个卑鄙小人(坏小人)。 - You dirty ie dishonourable dog!
你这个无耻的小人! - Help him track down the dirty dog by following'scents'left behind!
来帮助它通过气味追踪那个坏蛋! - As time goes by, the mite gets larger and you will start to notice a dirty black substance in your dog's ear.
随着时间的推移,螨得到较大的,你将开始公告一场肮脏的黑色物质,在您的狗的耳朵。 - When we look at the tobacco industry, we see that you really can teach a dirty old dog some new tricks.
当我们审视烟草业时,我们看到,陈旧的行业真的可以耍弄一些新花招。 - "He's a dirty dog," Father Rank said, with a kind of relish.